Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11 Day 3 - PM Update

The word is it is cold, cold, cold in Alaska right now.  The temperatures have been hovering around -40 degrees F.  While the trail conditions might be ideal for mushing, they aren't so great for camping.  With the checkpoints for the first part of the race fewer and farther between than the traditional route, mushers are spending more time out in the elements.  The race commentators have said that the mushers look and seem more tired than normal at this point in the race, since they are expending so much more energy trying to keep warm while tending their dogs and resting.

While the weather doesn't seem to bothering the 4-legged members of the teams, the humans are having a harder time. Several mushers have reported having a lot of problem with their hands.  Gerry Sousa and Lance Mackey both have reported having a rough time with their hands. One of the mushers (I can't find the report now to tell you who it is) had a bad crash and is working with suspected broken ribs. 

It sounds like the leaders are about 40 miles out of Ruby.  The vet teams are gearing up there for an influx over the next few hours of the main pack. 

So far, the reports are that this is a fast trail, but the cold is definitely going to play a role in the action.

Think good and warm thoughts for the 77 people and all their dogs that are sleeping out on the trail tonight!

You wouldn't know it was so cold out there by looking at Norwegian musher Joar Leifseth Ulsom out taking care of his dogs in a sweater!

Wade Marrs catches a nap on the back of his sled.

Several mushers stop to rest near Bible Camp.  Look at all those snoozing dogs!

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